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// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
// Copyright (C) 2023 Intel Corporation
#include <string>
#include <opencv2/gapi/util/any.hpp>
#include <opencv2/gapi/own/exports.hpp> // GAPI_EXPORTS
#include <opencv2/gapi/gkernel.hpp> // GKernelType[M], GBackend
#include <opencv2/gapi/infer.hpp> // Generic
#include <map>
namespace cv {
namespace gapi {
* @brief This namespace contains G-API OpenVINO 2.0 backend functions,
* structures, and symbols.
namespace ov {
GAPI_EXPORTS cv::gapi::GBackend backend();
namespace detail {
template <typename T>
using AttrMap = std::map<std::string, T>;
// NB: This type is supposed to be used to hold in/out layers
// attributes such as precision, layout, shape etc.
// User can provide attributes either:
// 1. cv::util::monostate - No value specified explicitly.
// 2. Attr - value specified explicitly that should be broadcasted to all layers.
// 3. AttrMap[str->T] - map specifies value for particular layer.
template <typename Attr>
using LayerVariantAttr = cv::util::variant< cv::util::monostate
, AttrMap<Attr>
, Attr>;
struct ParamDesc {
struct Model {
Model(const std::string &model_path_,
const std::string &bin_path_)
: model_path(model_path_), bin_path(bin_path_) {
std::string model_path;
std::string bin_path;
LayerVariantAttr<std::string> input_tensor_layout;
LayerVariantAttr<std::string> input_model_layout;
LayerVariantAttr<std::string> output_tensor_layout;
LayerVariantAttr<std::string> output_model_layout;
LayerVariantAttr<int> output_tensor_precision;
LayerVariantAttr<std::vector<size_t>> new_shapes;
LayerVariantAttr<std::vector<float>> mean_values;
LayerVariantAttr<std::vector<float>> scale_values;
LayerVariantAttr<int> interpolation;
struct CompiledModel {
std::string blob_path;
using Kind = cv::util::variant<Model, CompiledModel>;
ParamDesc(Kind &&kind_,
const std::string &device_,
const bool is_generic_,
const size_t num_in_,
const size_t num_out_)
: kind(std::move(kind_)), device(device_),
num_in(num_in_), num_out(num_out_) {
Kind kind;
std::string device;
bool is_generic;
std::size_t num_in;
std::size_t num_out;
std::vector<std::string> input_names;
std::vector<std::string> output_names;
using PluginConfigT = std::map<std::string, std::string>;
PluginConfigT config;
size_t nireq = 1;
// NB: Just helper to avoid code duplication.
static detail::ParamDesc::Model&
getModelToSetAttrOrThrow(detail::ParamDesc::Kind &kind,
const std::string &attr_name) {
if (cv::util::holds_alternative<detail::ParamDesc::CompiledModel>(kind)) {
std::logic_error("Specifying " + attr_name + " isn't"
" possible for compiled model."));
return cv::util::get<detail::ParamDesc::Model>(kind);
} // namespace detail
* @brief This structure provides functions
* that fill inference parameters for "OpenVINO Toolkit" model.
template<typename Net> struct Params {
/** @brief Class constructor.
Constructs Params based on model information and specifies default values for other
inference description parameters. Model is loaded and compiled using "OpenVINO Toolkit".
@param model_path Path to a model.
@param bin_path Path to a data file.
For IR format (*.bin):
If path is empty, will try to read a bin file with the same name as xml.
If the bin file with the same name is not found, will load IR without weights.
For PDPD (*.pdmodel) and ONNX (*.onnx) formats bin_path isn't used.
@param device target device to use.
Params(const std::string &model_path,
const std::string &bin_path,
const std::string &device)
: m_desc( detail::ParamDesc::Kind{detail::ParamDesc::Model{model_path, bin_path}}
, device
, false /* is generic */
, std::tuple_size<typename Net::InArgs>::value
, std::tuple_size<typename Net::OutArgs>::value) {
/** @overload
Use this constructor to work with pre-compiled network.
Model is imported from a pre-compiled blob.
@param blob_path path to the compiled model (*.blob).
@param device target device to use.
Params(const std::string &blob_path,
const std::string &device)
: m_desc( detail::ParamDesc::Kind{detail::ParamDesc::CompiledModel{blob_path}}
, device
, false /* is generic */
, std::tuple_size<typename Net::InArgs>::value
, std::tuple_size<typename Net::OutArgs>::value) {
/** @brief Specifies sequence of network input layers names for inference.
The function is used to associate cv::gapi::infer<> inputs with the model inputs.
Number of names has to match the number of network inputs as defined in G_API_NET().
In case a network has only single input layer, there is no need to specify name manually.
@param layer_names std::array<std::string, N> where N is the number of inputs
as defined in the @ref G_API_NET. Contains names of input layers.
@return reference to this parameter structure.
Params<Net>& cfgInputLayers(const std::vector<std::string> &layer_names) {
m_desc.input_names = layer_names;
return *this;
/** @brief Specifies sequence of network output layers names for inference.
The function is used to associate cv::gapi::infer<> outputs with the model outputs.
Number of names has to match the number of network outputs as defined in G_API_NET().
In case a network has only single output layer, there is no need to specify name manually.
@param layer_names std::array<std::string, N> where N is the number of outputs
as defined in the @ref G_API_NET. Contains names of output layers.
@return reference to this parameter structure.
Params<Net>& cfgOutputLayers(const std::vector<std::string> &layer_names) {
m_desc.output_names = layer_names;
return *this;
/** @brief Specifies OpenVINO plugin configuration.
The function is used to set configuration for OpenVINO plugin. Some parameters
can be different for each plugin. Please follow
to check information about specific plugin.
@param config Map of pairs: (config parameter name, config parameter value).
@return reference to this parameter structure.
Params<Net>& cfgPluginConfig(const detail::ParamDesc::PluginConfigT &config) {
m_desc.config = config;
return *this;
/** @brief Specifies tensor layout for an input layer.
The function is used to set tensor layout for an input layer.
@param layout Tensor layout ("NCHW", "NWHC", etc)
will be applied to all input layers.
@return reference to this parameter structure.
Params<Net>& cfgInputTensorLayout(std::string layout) {
detail::getModelToSetAttrOrThrow(m_desc.kind, "input tensor layout")
.input_tensor_layout = std::move(layout);
return *this;
/** @overload
@param layout_map Map of pairs: name of corresponding input layer
and its tensor layout represented in std::string ("NCHW", "NHWC", etc)
@return reference to this parameter structure.
cfgInputTensorLayout(detail::AttrMap<std::string> layout_map) {
detail::getModelToSetAttrOrThrow(m_desc.kind, "input tensor layout")
.input_tensor_layout = std::move(layout_map);
return *this;
/** @brief Specifies model layout for an input layer.
The function is used to set model layout for an input layer.
@param layout Model layout ("NCHW", "NHWC", etc)
will be applied to all input layers.
@return reference to this parameter structure.
Params<Net>& cfgInputModelLayout(std::string layout) {
detail::getModelToSetAttrOrThrow(m_desc.kind, "input model layout")
.input_model_layout = std::move(layout);
return *this;
/** @overload
@param layout_map Map of pairs: name of corresponding input layer
and its model layout ("NCHW", "NHWC", etc)
@return reference to this parameter structure.
cfgInputModelLayout(detail::AttrMap<std::string> layout_map) {
detail::getModelToSetAttrOrThrow(m_desc.kind, "input model layout")
.input_model_layout = std::move(layout_map);
return *this;
/** @brief Specifies tensor layout for an output layer.
The function is used to set tensor layout for an output layer.
@param layout Tensor layout ("NCHW", "NWHC", etc)
will be applied to all output layers.
@return reference to this parameter structure.
Params<Net>& cfgOutputTensorLayout(std::string layout) {
detail::getModelToSetAttrOrThrow(m_desc.kind, "output tensor layout")
.output_tensor_layout = std::move(layout);
return *this;
/** @overload
@param layout_map Map of pairs: name of corresponding output layer
and its tensor layout represented in std::string ("NCHW", "NHWC", etc)
@return reference to this parameter structure.
cfgOutputTensorLayout(detail::AttrMap<std::string> layout_map) {
detail::getModelToSetAttrOrThrow(m_desc.kind, "output tensor layout")
.output_tensor_layout = std::move(layout_map);
return *this;
/** @brief Specifies model layout for an output layer.
The function is used to set model layout for an output layer.
@param layout Model layout ("NCHW", "NHWC", etc)
will be applied to all output layers.
@return reference to this parameter structure.
Params<Net>& cfgOutputModelLayout(std::string layout) {
detail::getModelToSetAttrOrThrow(m_desc.kind, "output model layout")
.output_model_layout = std::move(layout);
return *this;
/** @overload
@param layout_map Map of pairs: name of corresponding output layer
and its model layout ("NCHW", "NHWC", etc)
@return reference to this parameter structure.
cfgOutputModelLayout(detail::AttrMap<std::string> layout_map) {
detail::getModelToSetAttrOrThrow(m_desc.kind, "output model layout")
.output_model_layout = std::move(layout_map);
return *this;
/** @brief Specifies tensor precision for an output layer.
The function is used to set tensor precision for an output layer..
@param precision Precision in OpenCV format (CV_8U, CV_32F, ...)
will be applied to all output layers.
@return reference to this parameter structure.
Params<Net>& cfgOutputTensorPrecision(int precision) {
detail::getModelToSetAttrOrThrow(m_desc.kind, "output tensor precision")
.output_tensor_precision = precision;
return *this;
/** @overload
@param precision_map Map of pairs: name of corresponding output layer
and its precision in OpenCV format (CV_8U, CV_32F, ...)
@return reference to this parameter structure.
cfgOutputTensorPrecision(detail::AttrMap<int> precision_map) {
detail::getModelToSetAttrOrThrow(m_desc.kind, "output tensor precision")
.output_tensor_precision = std::move(precision_map);
return *this;
/** @brief Specifies the new shape for input layers.
The function is used to set new shape for input layers.
@param new_shape New shape will be applied to all input layers.
@return reference to this parameter structure.
cfgReshape(std::vector<size_t> new_shape) {
detail::getModelToSetAttrOrThrow(m_desc.kind, "reshape")
.new_shapes = std::move(new_shape);
return *this;
/** @overload
@param new_shape_map Map of pairs: name of corresponding output layer
and its new shape.
@return reference to this parameter structure.
cfgReshape(detail::AttrMap<std::vector<size_t>> new_shape_map) {
detail::getModelToSetAttrOrThrow(m_desc.kind, "reshape")
.new_shapes = std::move(new_shape_map);
return *this;
/** @brief Specifies number of asynchronous inference requests.
@param nireq Number of inference asynchronous requests.
@return reference to this parameter structure.
Params<Net>& cfgNumRequests(const size_t nireq) {
if (nireq == 0) {
std::logic_error("Number of inference requests"
" must be greater than zero."));
m_desc.nireq = nireq;
return *this;
/** @brief Specifies mean values for preprocessing.
The function is used to set mean values for input layer preprocessing.
@param mean_values Float vector contains mean values
@return reference to this parameter structure.
Params<Net>& cfgMean(std::vector<float> mean_values) {
detail::getModelToSetAttrOrThrow(m_desc.kind, "mean values")
.mean_values = std::move(mean_values);
return *this;
/** @overload
@param mean_map Map of pairs: name of corresponding input layer
and its mean values.
@return reference to this parameter structure.
Params<Net>& cfgMean(detail::AttrMap<std::vector<float>> mean_map) {
detail::getModelToSetAttrOrThrow(m_desc.kind, "mean values")
.mean_values = std::move(mean_map);
return *this;
/** @brief Specifies scale values for preprocessing.
The function is used to set scale values for input layer preprocessing.
@param scale_values Float vector contains scale values
@return reference to this parameter structure.
Params<Net>& cfgScale(std::vector<float> scale_values) {
detail::getModelToSetAttrOrThrow(m_desc.kind, "scale values")
.scale_values = std::move(scale_values);
return *this;
/** @overload
@param scale_map Map of pairs: name of corresponding input layer
and its mean values.
@return reference to this parameter structure.
Params<Net>& cfgScale(detail::AttrMap<std::vector<float>> scale_map) {
detail::getModelToSetAttrOrThrow(m_desc.kind, "scale values")
.scale_values = std::move(scale_map);
return *this;
/** @brief Specifies resize interpolation algorithm.
The function is used to configure resize preprocessing for input layer.
@param interpolation Resize interpolation algorithm.
@return reference to this parameter structure.
Params<Net>& cfgResize(int interpolation) {
detail::getModelToSetAttrOrThrow(m_desc.kind, "resize preprocessing")
.interpolation = std::move(interpolation);
return *this;
/** @overload
@param interpolation Map of pairs: name of corresponding input layer
and its resize algorithm.
@return reference to this parameter structure.
Params<Net>& cfgResize(detail::AttrMap<int> interpolation) {
detail::getModelToSetAttrOrThrow(m_desc.kind, "resize preprocessing")
.interpolation = std::move(interpolation);
return *this;
// BEGIN(G-API's network parametrization API)
GBackend backend() const { return cv::gapi::ov::backend(); }
std::string tag() const { return Net::tag(); }
cv::util::any params() const { return { m_desc }; }
// END(G-API's network parametrization API)
detail::ParamDesc m_desc;
* @brief This structure provides functions for generic network type that
* fill inference parameters.
* @see struct Generic
class Params<cv::gapi::Generic> {
/** @brief Class constructor.
Constructs Params based on model information and specifies default values for other
inference description parameters. Model is loaded and compiled using "OpenVINO Toolkit".
@param tag string tag of the network for which these parameters are intended.
@param model_path Path to a model.
@param bin_path Path to a data file.
For IR format (*.bin):
If path is empty, will try to read a bin file with the same name as xml.
If the bin file with the same name is not found, will load IR without weights.
For PDPD (*.pdmodel) and ONNX (*.onnx) formats bin_path isn't used.
@param device target device to use.
Params(const std::string &tag,
const std::string &model_path,
const std::string &bin_path,
const std::string &device)
: m_tag(tag),
m_desc( detail::ParamDesc::Kind{detail::ParamDesc::Model{model_path, bin_path}}
, device
, true /* is generic */
, 0u
, 0u) {
/** @overload
This constructor for pre-compiled networks. Model is imported from pre-compiled
@param tag string tag of the network for which these parameters are intended.
@param blob_path path to the compiled model (*.blob).
@param device target device to use.
Params(const std::string &tag,
const std::string &blob_path,
const std::string &device)
: m_tag(tag),
m_desc( detail::ParamDesc::Kind{detail::ParamDesc::CompiledModel{blob_path}}
, device
, true /* is generic */
, 0u
, 0u) {
/** @see ov::Params::cfgPluginConfig. */
Params& cfgPluginConfig(const detail::ParamDesc::PluginConfigT &config) {
m_desc.config = config;
return *this;
/** @see ov::Params::cfgInputTensorLayout. */
Params& cfgInputTensorLayout(std::string layout) {
detail::getModelToSetAttrOrThrow(m_desc.kind, "input tensor layout")
.input_tensor_layout = std::move(layout);
return *this;
/** @overload */
cfgInputTensorLayout(detail::AttrMap<std::string> layout_map) {
detail::getModelToSetAttrOrThrow(m_desc.kind, "input tensor layout")
.input_tensor_layout = std::move(layout_map);
return *this;
/** @see ov::Params::cfgInputModelLayout. */
Params& cfgInputModelLayout(std::string layout) {
detail::getModelToSetAttrOrThrow(m_desc.kind, "input model layout")
.input_model_layout = std::move(layout);
return *this;
/** @overload */
cfgInputModelLayout(detail::AttrMap<std::string> layout_map) {
detail::getModelToSetAttrOrThrow(m_desc.kind, "input model layout")
.input_model_layout = std::move(layout_map);
return *this;
/** @see ov::Params::cfgOutputTensorLayout. */
Params& cfgOutputTensorLayout(std::string layout) {
detail::getModelToSetAttrOrThrow(m_desc.kind, "output tensor layout")
.output_tensor_layout = std::move(layout);
return *this;
/** @overload */
cfgOutputTensorLayout(detail::AttrMap<std::string> layout_map) {
detail::getModelToSetAttrOrThrow(m_desc.kind, "output tensor layout")
.output_tensor_layout = std::move(layout_map);
return *this;
/** @see ov::Params::cfgOutputModelLayout. */
Params& cfgOutputModelLayout(std::string layout) {
detail::getModelToSetAttrOrThrow(m_desc.kind, "output model layout")
.output_model_layout = std::move(layout);
return *this;
/** @overload */
cfgOutputModelLayout(detail::AttrMap<std::string> layout_map) {
detail::getModelToSetAttrOrThrow(m_desc.kind, "output model layout")
.output_model_layout = std::move(layout_map);
return *this;
/** @see ov::Params::cfgOutputTensorPrecision. */
Params& cfgOutputTensorPrecision(int precision) {
detail::getModelToSetAttrOrThrow(m_desc.kind, "output tensor precision")
.output_tensor_precision = precision;
return *this;
/** @overload */
cfgOutputTensorPrecision(detail::AttrMap<int> precision_map) {
detail::getModelToSetAttrOrThrow(m_desc.kind, "output tensor precision")
.output_tensor_precision = std::move(precision_map);
return *this;
/** @see ov::Params::cfgReshape. */
Params& cfgReshape(std::vector<size_t> new_shape) {
detail::getModelToSetAttrOrThrow(m_desc.kind, "reshape")
.new_shapes = std::move(new_shape);
return *this;
/** @overload */
cfgReshape(detail::AttrMap<std::vector<size_t>> new_shape_map) {
detail::getModelToSetAttrOrThrow(m_desc.kind, "reshape")
.new_shapes = std::move(new_shape_map);
return *this;
/** @see ov::Params::cfgNumRequests. */
Params& cfgNumRequests(const size_t nireq) {
if (nireq == 0) {
std::logic_error("Number of inference requests"
" must be greater than zero."));
m_desc.nireq = nireq;
return *this;
/** @see ov::Params::cfgMean. */
Params& cfgMean(std::vector<float> mean_values) {
detail::getModelToSetAttrOrThrow(m_desc.kind, "mean values")
.mean_values = std::move(mean_values);
return *this;
/** @overload */
Params& cfgMean(detail::AttrMap<std::vector<float>> mean_map) {
detail::getModelToSetAttrOrThrow(m_desc.kind, "mean values")
.mean_values = std::move(mean_map);
return *this;
/** @see ov::Params::cfgScale. */
Params& cfgScale(std::vector<float> scale_values) {
detail::getModelToSetAttrOrThrow(m_desc.kind, "scale values")
.scale_values = std::move(scale_values);
return *this;
/** @overload */
Params& cfgScale(detail::AttrMap<std::vector<float>> scale_map) {
detail::getModelToSetAttrOrThrow(m_desc.kind, "scale values")
.scale_values = std::move(scale_map);
return *this;
/** @see ov::Params::cfgResize. */
Params& cfgResize(int interpolation) {
detail::getModelToSetAttrOrThrow(m_desc.kind, "resize preprocessing")
.interpolation = std::move(interpolation);
return *this;
/** @overload */
Params& cfgResize(detail::AttrMap<int> interpolation) {
detail::getModelToSetAttrOrThrow(m_desc.kind, "resize preprocessing")
.interpolation = std::move(interpolation);
return *this;
// BEGIN(G-API's network parametrization API)
GBackend backend() const { return cv::gapi::ov::backend(); }
std::string tag() const { return m_tag; }
cv::util::any params() const { return { m_desc }; }
// END(G-API's network parametrization API)
std::string m_tag;
detail::ParamDesc m_desc;
} // namespace ov
namespace wip { namespace ov {
* @brief Ask G-API OpenVINO backend to run only inference of model provided.
* G-API OpenVINO backend will perform only the inference of the model provided
* without populating input and copying back output data.
* This mode is used to evaluate the pure inference performance of the model without
* taking into account the i/o data transfer.
struct benchmark_mode { };
/** @} */
} // namespace ov
} // namespace wip
} // namespace gapi
namespace detail
template<> struct CompileArgTag<cv::gapi::wip::ov::benchmark_mode>
static const char* tag() { return "gapi.wip.ov.benchmark_mode"; }
} // namespace cv