#ifndef SI_Errors_H #define SI_Errors_H #include "SI_types.h" /** @file SI_errors.h * This files contains the errors codes, error checking macros and siGetErrorString. */ /** Return true if the function failed. Example: * @code if(SI_FAILED(SI_Load())) { //... } * @endcode */ #define SI_FAILED(stmt) ((stmt) < 0) /** Return true if the function succeeded. Example: * @code if(SI_SUCCEEDED(SI_Load())) { //... } * @endcode */ #define SI_SUCCEEDED(stmt) ((stmt) >= 0) /** If the function fails, SI_CHK sets the last error to a local variable named * nError and go to the Error label. Example: * @code int nError = siNoError; SI_64 nCount = 0; SI_CHK(SI_Load()); SI_CHK(SI_GetInt(SI_SYSTEM, L"DeviceCount", &nCount)); //... Error: return nError; * @endcode */ #define SI_CHK(stmt) do { nError = (stmt); if (SI_FAILED(nError)) goto Error; } while(0) #ifdef QT_VERSION #ifdef _WIN32 #define SI_LOGCHK(stmt) do {nError = (stmt); if (SI_FAILED(nError)) { qWarning() << QString("Function '").toLatin1().constData() << (QString(SLOT(stmt)).remove(0,1)).toLatin1().constData() << QString("' in ").toLatin1().constData() << ##__FUNCTION__ << QString(" failed with error code:").toLatin1().constData() << ##stmt << QString("( file:").toLatin1().constData() << ##__FILE__ << QString(", line:").toLatin1().constData() << ##__LINE__ << QString(").").toLatin1().constData(); goto Error; } }while(0) #else #define SI_LOGCHK(stmt) do {nError = (stmt); if (SI_FAILED(nError)) { goto Error; } }while(0) #endif #else #define SI_LOGCHK(stmt) do {nError = (stmt); if (SI_FAILED(nError)) { std:cout << "Function failed in " << ##__FUNCTION__ << " with error code:" << ##stmt << "( file:" << ##__FILE__ << ", line:" << ##__LINE__ << ")."; goto Error; } }while(0) #endif /** Set the last error to a local variable named nError and go to the Error: label. Example: * @code int nError = siNoError; // ... if(nIndex > 100) { SI_GOTO(siOutOfRange); } //... Error: return nError; * @endcode */ #define SI_GOTO(stmt) { nError = (stmt); goto Error; } //#define SI_GOTO(stmt) do { nError = (stmt); goto Error; } while(0) /** Used to check if pointers are null before accessing them. If the pointer is null, siInvalidPointer error will be set and the code will go to the Error label. */ #define SI_NULLCHK(statement) if (statement == 0) { nError = siInvalidPointer; goto Error; } /** SpecCore errors. Error codes are negative values, 0 is succeeded and positive * values are warnings. */ enum siError { siRtNoError = 0, /**< Success */ siRtSessionNameAlreadyExists = -4000, /**< Failed to create session since another session with the same name already exists*/ siRtScriptFunctionDoesNotExists = -4002, /**< The passed script function does not exist. */ siRtSessionNotInitialized = -4003, /**< The session has not been initialize. Call 'initialize'.*/ siRtScriptErrorError = -4004, /**< */ siRtAlreadySubscribingToEvent = -4005, /**< A matching subscription has already been registered for the event */ siRtWaitForPreviousEventCompleteTimeout = -4006, /**< Timed out while waiting for the previous event invoke to finish executing */ siRtSessionRunning = -4010, /**< Unable to complete the previous call since the session is already executing another instruction set. */ siRtAcquireAccessTimeout = -4011, /**< Exclusive access to the require object did not occur within a give time period */ siRtUnspecifiedError = -4012, /**< */ siRtInvalidSessionHandle = -4014, /**< */ siRtScriptError = -4015, /**< */ siRtSessionAlreadyInitialized = -4016, /**< */ siRtNullPointerArgument = -4018, /**< The passed script state pointer was a null. */ siRtNoScriptStateSet = -4021, /**< Unable to start execution since no script state has been set. */ siRtScriptMemoryAllocFailure = -4022, /**< Failed to allocate the specified amount of memory */ siRtScriptScriptGCFailed = -4023, /**< An error occured while running script garbage collection */ siRtScriptRuntimeError = -4024, /**< A runtime error occured while executing the script. Check script state stack for error message */ siRtScriptTerminatedByForce = -4025, /**< User terminated the script before it had a chance to complete */ siRtFailedToAllocateMemory = -4026, /**< Malloc failed.*/ siRtScriptSyntaxError = -4027, /**< Failed to pre-compile script due to syntax error(s) */ // si_remote errors siRemoteDynamicSetFailed = -11000, /**< Remote dynamic set failed. */ siRemoteDynamicGetFailed = -11001, /**< Remote dynamic get failed. */ // 10000 HOST errors siHOSTInvalidLicence = -10000, /**< HOST Invalid Licence. */ siHOSTLicenceExpired = -10001, /**< HOST Licence Expired. */ siHOSTLicenceNotActivated = -10002, /**< HOST Licence Not Activated. */ siHOSTInvalidHostHandle = -10003, /**< HOST Invalid Host Handle. */ siHOSTInvalidPeerHandle = -10004, /**< HOST Invalid Peer Handle. */ siHOSTInvalidCallback = -10005, /**< HOST Invalid Notification Callback Function. */ siHOSTCreateServerFailed = -10006, /**< HOST CreateServer Failed. */ siHOSTCreateClientFailed = -10007, /**< HOST CreateClient Failed. */ siHOSTConnectFailed = -10008, /**< HOST Peer Connect Failed. */ siHOSTDisconnectFailed = -10009, /**< HOST Peer Disconnect Failed. */ siHOSTDisconnectPeersFailed = -10010, /**< HOST Peer Disconnect Failed. */ siHOSTSetPeerDataFailed = -10011, /**< HOST Set Peer Data Failed. */ siHOSTSendPeerFailed = -10012, /**< HOST Send Peer Failed. */ siHOSTPeerPingFailed = -10013, /**< HOST Peer Ping Failed. */ siHOSTBroadcastPeersFailed= -10014, /**< HOST Broadcast Host Failed. */ siHOSTGetPeerDataFailed = -10015, /**< HOST Get Peer Data Failed. */ siHOSTSetHostDataFailed = -10016, /**< HOST Set Host Data Failed. */ siHOSTGetHostDataFailed = -10017, /**< HOST Get Host Data Failed. */ siHOSTGetHostListFailed = -10018, /**< HOST Get Host List Failed. */ siHOSTGetPeerListFailed = -10019, /**< HOST Get Peer List Failed. */ siHOSTGetPeerListXMLFailed = -10020, /**< HOST Get Peer List XML Failed. */ siHOSTGetHostStatsFailed = -10021, /**< HOST Get Host Stats Failed. */ siHOSTSetHostStatsFailed = -10022, /**< HOST Set Host Stats Failed. */ siHOSTGetHostStructFailed = -10023, /**< HOST Get Host Struct Failed. */ siHOSTGetPeerStructFailed = -10024, /**< HOST Get Peer Struct Failed. */ siHOSTSetDropOnTimeoutsFailed = -10025, /**< HOST Set Drop On Timeouts Failed. */ siHOSTGetDropOnTimeoutsFailed = -10026, /**< HOST Get Drop On Timeouts Failed. */ siHOSTSetHostTimeoutsFailed = -10027, /**< HOST Set Host Timeouts Failed. */ siHOSTGetHostTimeoutsFailed = -10028, /**< HOST Get Host Timeouts Failed. */ siHOSTMessageHasNoHeader = -10029, /**< HOST Message Has no Header. */ siHOSTMessageHasInvalidHeaderSync = -10030, /**< HOST Message Has Invalid HeaderSync. */ siHOSTMessageHasInvalidVersionNumber = -10031, /**< HOST Message Has Invalid Version Number. */ siHOSTSetHostCompressionFailed = -10032, /**< HOST SetCompression Failed. */ siHOSTGetHostCompressionFailed = -10033, /**< HOST GetHostCompression Failed.*/ siHOSTConnectionInProgress = -10034, /**< HOST Connection In Progress.*/ siHOSTMissingApplicationsDefinition = -10035, /**< HOST Applications definition is missing. */ siHOSTHostUninitialised = -10036, /**< HOST Host Uninitialised. */ siHOSTPeerNotFound = -10037, /**< HOST Peer Not Found. */ siHOSTThreadNotSafe = -10038, /**< HOST Thread Not Safe - Parent != Current. */ siHOSTNotAServer = -10039, /**< HOST Not A Server. */ siHOSTNotAClient = -10040, /**< HOST Not A Client. */ siHOSTAddressNotAvailable = -10041, /**< HOST Address Not Available. */ siHOSTNotCreated = -10042, /**< HOST Not Created. */ siHOSTNotAFileTransferPeer = -10043, /**< HOST Not a file transfer peer. */ siHOSTNotAControlPeer = -10044, /**< HOST Not a Control peer. */ siHOSTNotADataPeer = -10045, /**< HOST Not a Data peer. */ siHOSTFileNotFound = -10046, /**< HOST File not found. */ siHOSTFileCreationFailed = -10047, /**< HOST File creation failed. */ siHOSTInsufficientSpace = -10048, /**< HOST Insufficient Space. */ siHOSTFileTransferInProgress = -10049, /**< HOST File Transfer in Progress. */ siHOSTFileTransferIdle = -10050, /**< HOST File Transfer Idle. */ siHOSTFileTransferStatusCallbackUndefined = -10051, /**< HOST File Transfer Status Callback undefined. */ siHOSTFileTransferFileAccessPermissions = -10052, /**< HOST File Transfer Access permissions. */ siHOSTFileTransferFileErrorUnspecified = -10053, /**< HOST File Transfer Error unspecified. */ siHOSTFileTransferDataConnectTimeout = -10054, /**< File Transfer DataConnect Timeout. */ siHOSTDataPeerConnectTimeout = - 10055, /**< DataPeer Connect Timeout. */ siHOSTControlServerNotListening = - 10056, /**< DataServer Not Listening. */ siHOSTDataServerNotListening = - 10057, /**< DataServer Not Listening. */ siHOSTQFileReadError = -10058, /**< QFile ReadError. */ siHOSTQFileWriteError = -10059, /**< QFile WriteError. */ siHOSTQFileFatalError = -10060, /**< QFile FatalError. */ siHOSTQFileResourceError = -10061, /**< QFile ResourceError. */ siHOSTQFileOpenError = -10062, /**< QFile OpenError. */ siHOSTQFileAbortError = -10063, /**< QFile AbortError. */ siHOSTQFileTimeOutError = -10064, /**< QFile TimeOutError. */ siHOSTQFileUnspecifiedError = -10065, /**< QFile UnspecifiedError. */ siHOSTQFileRemoveError = -10066, /**< QFile RemoveError. */ siHOSTQFileRenameError = -10067, /**< QFile RenameError. */ siHOSTQFilePositionError = -10068, /**< QFile PositionError. */ siHOSTQFileResizeError = -10069, /**< QFile ResizeError. */ siHOSTQFilePermissionsError = -10070, /**< QFile PermissionsError. */ siHOSTQFileCopyError = -10071, /**< QFile CopyError. */ siHOSTFileCreateFailed = -10072, /**< OS File Create Failed. */ siHOSTFileOpenFailed = -10073, /**< OS File Open Failed. */ siHOSTQuotaExceeded = -10074, /**< OS Storage Quota exceeded. */ siHOSTDriveFull = -10075, /**< OS Storage Drive Full. */ siHOSTDriveDisconnected = -10076, /**< OS Storage Drive Disconnected. */ siHOSTAccessDenied = -10077, /**< OS Storage Access Denied. */ siHOSTUnmappedOsError = -10078, /**< OS Unmapped Error. */ siHOSTPeerNotConnected = -10079, /**< Peer NOT Connected. */ // 9000 SMP Profile and Group errors siGroupNotFound = -9000, /**< The Group cannot be found. (SMP)*/ siMissingGroupsDefinition = -9001, /**< The profile Groups definition is missing. */ siMissingInvokesDefinition = -9002, /**< The profile Invokes definition is missing. */ siEventGroupNotFound = -9003, /**< The EventGroup not found. */ siEventInvokeNotFound = -9004, /**< The EventInvoke not found. */ siMissingEventGroupsDefinition = -9005, /**< The profile EventGroups definition is missing. */ siMissingEventInvokesDefinition = -9006, /**< The profile EventInvokes definition is missing. */ siGroupFeatureIndexOutOfRange = -9007, /**< The GroupFeatureIndex is out of Range. */ siGroupAlreadyExists = -9008, /**< The Group Name already exists. */ siGroupMissingName = -9009, /**< The Group Name is missing. */ siGroupNumberMissing = -9010, /**< The Group Message Number missing. */ siGroupInvalidInterval = -9011, /**< Invalid Group Interval. */ siResponseEmpty = -9012, /**< Response Empty. */ siHostMessageResponseNullPointer = -9013, /**< HostMessageResponse Null Pointer. */ siHostMessageResponseTimeout = -9014, /**< HostMessageResponse Time out. */ siHostMessageCompletionTimeout = -9015, /**< HostMessageResponse Time out. */ siHostMessageNoPeerSpecified = -9016, /**< HostMessage No Peer Specified. */ // 1700 QAQC errors siQAQCDarkerThanReference = -1700, /**< QAQC darker than reference.*/ siQAQCBrighterThanReference = -1701, /**< QAQC brighter than reference.*/ siQAQCUnevenDistribution = -1702, /**< QAQC uneven distribution detected.*/ siQAQCIncompatible = -1703, /**< Incompatible reference. */ // 1600 Calibration errors siCalibrationFailed = -1600, /**< Calibration failed on the sensor.*/ siInvalidCalibrationPack = -1601, /**< Invalid calibration pack.*/ // 1500 Motor errors siMotorInitFailed = -1500, /**< Failed to initialize the selected motor.*/ siMotorReadTimeout = -1501, /**< Motor read function timed out.*/ siMotorWriteTimeout = -1502, /**< Motor write function timed out.*/ siMotorIOError = -1503, /**< Motor IO error.*/ siMotorDataError = -1504, /**< Motor data error.*/ siMotorProgramError = -1505, /**< Motor program error.*/ siMotorCommunicationError = -1506, /**< Motor communication error.*/ siMotorSystemError = -1507, /**< Motor system error.*/ siMotorMotionError = -1508, /**< Motor motion error.*/ siMotorStepError = -1509, /**< Motor AccuStep error.*/ // 1400 Licensing errors siLicensingInitError = -1400, /**< Call LoadLicense successfully before using other functionality.*/ siLicensingErrorOpeningSharedMemory = -1401, /**< Error opening a shared memory for licensing.*/ siLicensingHashNotSupported = -1402, /**< Selected hash function is not supported.*/ siLicensingCipherNotSupported = -1403, /**< Selected cipher function is not supported.*/ siLicensingEncryptionFailed = -1404, /**< Licensing encryption failed.*/ siLicensingDecryptionFailed = -1405, /**< Licensing decryption failed.*/ siLicensingFileNotFound = -1406, /**< Licensing related file not found.*/ siLicensingEmptyLicense = -1407, /**< Empty license file.*/ siLicensingExpired = -1408, /**< License expired.*/ siLicensingProductExpired = -1409, /**< Product expired.*/ siLicensingModuleExpired = -1410, /**< Module expired.*/ siLicensingFeatureExpired = -1411, /**< Feature expired.*/ siLicensingApplicationNotFound = -1412, /**< Application license not found.*/ siLicensingModuleNotFound = -1413, /**< Module license not found.*/ siLicensingFeatureNotFound = -1414, /**< Feature license not found.*/ siLicensingSyntaxError = -1415, /**< Licensing syntax error.*/ siLicensingTimestampError = -1416, /**< Licensing real-time timestamp error.*/ siLicensingSupportExpired = -1417, /**< License support expired. */ // 1300 SCB errors siSCBChecksumFailed = -1300, /**< SCB Checksum error.*/ siSCBReadFailed = -1301, /**< SCB Read failed.*/ siSCBWriteFailed = -1302, /**< SCB Write failed.*/ siSCBFlashReadFailed = -1303, /**< SCB Read flash failed.*/ siSCBFlashWriteFailed = -1304, /**< SCB Write flash failed.*/ siSCBFlashEraseFailed = -1305, /**< SCB Erase flash failed.*/ siSCBNotInitialized = -1306, /**< SCB Not Initialized.*/ // 1200 Camera errors siCameraInvalidChannel = -1200, /**< Invalid camera channel */ siCameraSerialCommunicationFailure = -1201, /**< Serial communication failure in camera. */ siCameraCoolingNotCompleted = -1202, siCameraConnectingError = -1203, /** < Camera connection failure. The camera may be already in use. */ siCameraNotFound = -1204, // 1100 Communication errors siCommunicationFailure = -1100, /**< Communication failure. */ siCommunicationTimeout = -1101, /**< Communication timeout. */ siCommunicationOverrun = -1102, /**< Communication buffer overrun. */ siCommunicationCRC = -1103, /**< Communication CRC error. */ siCommunicationNotAcknowledged = -1104, /**< Communication not acknowledged. */ siCommunicationPortInUse = -1105, /**< Communication port in use. */ siCommunicationBaudRateNotSupported = -1106, /**< Baud rate not supported. */ siCommunicationBusy = -1107, /**< Communication is busy.*/ // 1000 file storage errors siStorageTimeout = -1000, /**< Storage timeout. */ siStoragePendingFileOpen = -1001, /**< Storage has pending file open. */ siStoragePendingFileClose = -1002, /**< Storage has pending file close. */ siStorageFailedFileOpen = -1003, /**< Storage file open failed. */ siStorageFailedFileClose = -1004, /**< Storage file close failed. */ siStorageFileNotOpen = -1005, /**< Storage file not open. */ siStorageWriteFailed = -1006, /**< Storage write failed. */ siStorageReadFailed = -1007, /**< Storage read failed. */ siStorageDriveFull = -1008, /**< Storage drive full. */ siStorageDriveDisconnected = -1009, /**< Storage drive disconnected. */ siStorageAccessDenied = -1010, /**< Storage access denied. */ siStorageQuotaExceeded = -1011, /**< Storage quota exceeded. */ siStorageFileNotFound = -1012, /**< Storage file not found. */ // 900 ring buffer errors siRingBufferNotInitialized = -900, /**< Buffer is not initialized. */ siRingBufferInvalidHandle = -901, /**< Invalid reader handle.*/ // 800 header file errors siHeaderInconsistentHeader = -800, /**< Inconsistent header file. */ siHeaderParseError = -801, /**< The header file has a parsing error. */ siHeaderKeywordAlreadyExists = -802, /**< The header keyword already exists. */ siHeaderInvalidType = -803, /**< Invalid type for this keyword. */ siHeaderInvalidData = -804, /**< Invalid data for this keyword. */ // 700 acquisition errors siAcquisitionTimeout = -700, /**< The acquisition has timed out. */ siAcquisitionAborted = -701, /**< The acquisition was aborted. */ siAcquisitionBufferAlreadyAllocated = -702, /**< Buffer already allocated. First delete the memory using #SI_DisposeBuffer. */ siAcquisitionInvalidBuffer = -703, /**< Invalid buffer. The buffer is either NULL or has not been created using #SI_CreateBuffer. */ siAcquisitionInProgress = -704, /**< Acquisition in progress. */ siAcquisitionMultigrabbingInvalidWidth = -705, /**< Multi-grabbing widths don't match. */ siAcquisitionNotInProgress = -706, /**< Acquisition is not in progress.*/ // 600 module errors siModuleNotFound = -600, /**< The module cannot be found. */ siModuleAlreadyDeclaredWithDifferentSignature = -601, /**< The module is already declared but with a different signature. */ siModuleUnresolvedSymbol = -602, /**< The module symbol could not be resolved. */ siModuleNotLoaded = -603, /**< The module is not loaded. */ siModuleLoadFailed = -604, /**< Loading the module failed. */ siModuleNotRegistered = -605, /**< The module is not registered. */ // 500 command errors siCommandNotFound = -500, /**< The command cannot be found */ siCommandNotAvailable = -501, /**< The command is not available */ siCommandInvokeFailed = -502, /**< The invoke command failed */ // 400 Feature errors siFeatureNotFound = -400, /**< The feature cannot be found. */ siFeatureNotImplemented = -401, /**< The feature is not implemented for this device. */ siFeatureReadOnly = -402, /**< The feature is read only and cannot be written. */ siFeatureNotWritable = -403, /**< The feature it not writable at this point of time. */ siFeatureNotReadable = -404, /**< The feature is not readable at this point of time. */ siFeatureValueOutOfRange = -405, /**< The value specified for this value is out of range. */ siFeatureValueNotSet = -406, /**< The value for this feature is not set. */ siFeatureEmptyEnumeration = -407, /**< The feature has its enumeration empty */ siFeatureMissingFeaturesDefinition = -408, /**< The profile features definition is missing. */ siFeatureAlreadyExists = -409, /**< The feature already exists */ siFeatureInvalidEnumerationString = -410, /**< The enumeration string is invalid. */ siFeatureGroupNotFound = -411, /**< The feature Group cannot be found. */ siFeatureEnumStringNotFound = -412, /**< The string was not found in the enumerated feature. */ siFeatureMissingType = -413, /**< The Feature type is missing. */ siFeatureInvalidType = -414, /**< The Feature type is invalid. */ siFeatureMissingName = -415, /**< The Feature missing name. */ siFeatureLockTimeout = -416, /**< The operation on the feature timed out. */ // 300 sensor profiles errors siProfileInvalidDirectory = -300, /**< The (SSP) Specim Sensor Profiles directory is invalid or does not exist. */ siProfileInvalidDocumentType = -301, /**< An invalid document type has been specified for this profile. */ siProfileInvalidModuleDefinition = -302, /**< An invalid module definition has been specified for this profile. */ siProfileInvalidType = -303, /**< An invalid type has been specified for this profile. */ siProfileInvalidModule = -304, /**< The profile has an invalid module. A module definition cannot be null. */ siProfileNotOpen = -305, /**< The profile handle is not opened. */ siProfileMissingName = -306, /**< The name of the profile is missing. */ siProfileParseError = -307, /**< The profile has some parsing error(s). */ siProfileNotSet = -308, /**< The profile is not set. */ // 200 XML error group siXmlParseFailed = -200, /**< The XML parsing failed. */ siXmlStringNotSet = -201, /**< The XML string is not set. */ siXmlTagNotFound = -202, /**< The XML tag was not found. */ // 100 file errors group siFileOpenFailed = -100, /**< Could not open the file. */ siFileCreateFailed = -101, /**< Could not create the file. */ siFileReadFailed = -102, /**< Could not read the file. */ siFileNotOpened = -103, /**< File not opened. */ siFileEOF = -104, /**< End of file. */ siFileCRC = -105, /**< Cyclic Redundancy Check error. */ siFileWriteFailed = -106, /**< File write failed. */ siIncompleteCommand = -26, /**< Incomplete command */ siInvalidCommand = -25, /**< Invalid command */ siNotAllowed = -24, /**< Not allowed */ siValueNotSet = -23, /**< Value not set */ siFailedToLoadDriver = -22, /* Failed to load driver.*/ siUnmappedOsError = -21, /**< Unmapped OS Error. */ siExceptionOccured = -20, /**< An exception occurred and was handled.*/ siAbort = -19, /**< Generic abort event */ siInvalidChecksum = -18, /**< Invalid checksum. */ siOutOfRangeMin = -17, /**< Value is smaller than its minimum value. */ siOutOfRangeMax = -16, /**< Value is greater than its maximum value. */ siInvalidFile = -15, /**< Invalid file. */ siNotInitialized = -14, /**< Not initialized. */ siBufferTooSmall = -13, /**< Buffer too small. */ siOutOfMemory = -12, /**< Out of memory. */ siNotSupported = -11, /**< Not supported. */ siUnknownError = -10, /**< Unknown error.*/ siInvalidParameter = -9, /**< Invalid parameter. */ siInvalidDeviceType = -8, /**< Invalid device type. */ siOutOfRange = -7, /**< Out of range. */ siInvalidPointer = -6, /**< Invalid pointer. */ siInvalidHandle = -5, /**< Invalid handle. */ siInvalidType = -4, /**< Invalid type. */ siNotFound = -3, /**< Not found. */ siNotImplemented = -2, /**< Not implemented. */ siFailed = -1, /** Failed. */ siNoError = 0, /**< No error. */ siAlreadyInitialized = 1, /**< Already initialized. */ siAlreadyExists, /**< Already exists. */ siUnknownWarning, /**< Unknown warning. */ siIsEmpty, /**< Trying to access an empty object.*/ // Profiles warnings siProfileNoDescription = 300, /**< It is recommended but not mandatory to put a description for the sensor profile. */ // Feature warnings siFeatureNotAvailable = 401, /**< Feature is not currently available.*/ siFeatureValueChanged = 402, /**< Feature is not currently available.*/ // Modules warnings siModuleAlreadyRegistered = 600, /**< The module is already registered. */ siModuleAlreadyLoaded = 601, /**< The module is already loaded */ // Acquisition warning siAcquisitionWaitingForFrames = 700, /**< Acquisition is waiting for an incoming frame. */ // Ring buffer warnings siRingBufferWaitWriter = 900, /**< The reader must wait for the writer to continue. */ // 1200 Camera warnings siReadoutModeChangedToIWR = 1200, /**< The detector readout mode has changed to IWR.*/ siReadoutModeChangedToITR = 1201, /**< The detector readout mode has changed to ITR.*/ siBPRMapLoadingFailed = 1202, /**< Bad pixel map loading failed. Possibly due to invalid dimensions. */ // 1500 Motor warnings siMotorPlusLimitSwitchReached = 1500, siMotorMinusLimitSwitchReached = 1501, // Calibration warnings siCalibrationMissing = 1600, /**< Calibration is missing.*/ // 9000 SMP Profile and Group Warnings siHostMessageResponseNotFound = 9000, /**< HostMessageResponse pointer not found */ // HOST Warnings siHOSTMessageNoHeader = 10000, /**< HOST Message Has No Header. */ siHOSTMessagePrivate = 10001, /**< HOST Message is Private. */ siHOSTMessageUser = 10002, /**< HOST Message is User. */ }; /** Returns the error code's string. * @param _nError siError error code. * @return Error string for the error code given _nError. */ const SI_WC* siGetErrorString(int _nError); #endif