The outer element of a device description file. It contains a set of nodes which are connected
via pointers and which describe a mapping from features (like Gain) to a register space
defined in terms of address and length.
List of all possible node tpyes.
Used for structuring device descripition files. Groups can be nested in any depth.
They have no meaning with respect to the device functionaliy and are stripped off the device
description file in a pre-processing step.
Lists the elements which are common to (nearly) all nodes.
Lists the attributes which are common to all nodes.
Lists the elements which are common to all register nodes with a pLength element
The simple node with no functionality.
Contins references to features which are exposed to the user via API or GUI.
Can be nested in any depth.
Integer node which can be used to collect Value, Min, Max, and Inc or be used as Multiplexer
or be used as Replicator.
Maps to a register of Integer type.
Maps to a subset (bit range) of a register of Integer type.
Describes a collection of subsets (bit ranges) on the same integer register
Describes a one subset (bit range) of a StructReg
A node for issuing commands.
A node for issuing boolean values based on an integer node
Float node which can be used to collect Value, Min, and Max, or be used as Multiplexer.
Bi-directional Float swiss knife.
Bi-directional Integer swiss knife.
Maps to a Float register.
Enumeration mapping to an Integer.
Possible value of an Enumeration node
String node
String mapping to a register
Register exposed as byte array.
Uno-directional formula interpreter
Uno-directional formula interpreter
Node mapping to a port accessing the device's registers.
Accesses a IEEE1212 configuration ROM address block
Accesses a Text entry in a IEEE1212 configuration ROM address block
Accesses an Integer entry in a IEEE1212 configuration ROM address block
Gets the address of a DCAM smart feature
Gets the address of a smart feature
Content to custom extend a device description file. The extension entries are stripped away
during pre-processing of the device description file.
Cache on write and write into register
Write w/o cache, read updates cache
Do not perform caching