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2024-09-11 17:14:49 +08:00
#ifndef EMITTER_H_62B23520_7C8E_11DE_8A39_0800200C9A66
#define EMITTER_H_62B23520_7C8E_11DE_8A39_0800200C9A66
#if defined(_MSC_VER) || \
(defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ == 3 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 4) || \
(__GNUC__ >= 4)) // GCC supports "pragma once" correctly since 3.4
#pragma once
#include <cmath>
#include <cstddef>
#include <limits>
#include <memory>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
#include "yaml-cpp/binary.h"
#include "yaml-cpp/dll.h"
#include "yaml-cpp/emitterdef.h"
#include "yaml-cpp/emittermanip.h"
#include "yaml-cpp/null.h"
#include "yaml-cpp/ostream_wrapper.h"
namespace YAML {
class Binary;
struct _Null;
} // namespace YAML
namespace YAML {
class EmitterState;
class YAML_CPP_API Emitter {
explicit Emitter(std::ostream& stream);
Emitter(const Emitter&) = delete;
Emitter& operator=(const Emitter&) = delete;
// output
const char* c_str() const;
std::size_t size() const;
// state checking
bool good() const;
const std::string GetLastError() const;
// global setters
bool SetOutputCharset(EMITTER_MANIP value);
bool SetStringFormat(EMITTER_MANIP value);
bool SetBoolFormat(EMITTER_MANIP value);
bool SetNullFormat(EMITTER_MANIP value);
bool SetIntBase(EMITTER_MANIP value);
bool SetSeqFormat(EMITTER_MANIP value);
bool SetMapFormat(EMITTER_MANIP value);
bool SetIndent(std::size_t n);
bool SetPreCommentIndent(std::size_t n);
bool SetPostCommentIndent(std::size_t n);
bool SetFloatPrecision(std::size_t n);
bool SetDoublePrecision(std::size_t n);
void RestoreGlobalModifiedSettings();
// local setters
Emitter& SetLocalValue(EMITTER_MANIP value);
Emitter& SetLocalIndent(const _Indent& indent);
Emitter& SetLocalPrecision(const _Precision& precision);
// overloads of write
Emitter& Write(const std::string& str);
Emitter& Write(bool b);
Emitter& Write(char ch);
Emitter& Write(const _Alias& alias);
Emitter& Write(const _Anchor& anchor);
Emitter& Write(const _Tag& tag);
Emitter& Write(const _Comment& comment);
Emitter& Write(const _Null& n);
Emitter& Write(const Binary& binary);
template <typename T>
Emitter& WriteIntegralType(T value);
template <typename T>
Emitter& WriteStreamable(T value);
template <typename T>
void SetStreamablePrecision(std::stringstream&) {}
std::size_t GetFloatPrecision() const;
std::size_t GetDoublePrecision() const;
void PrepareIntegralStream(std::stringstream& stream) const;
void StartedScalar();
void EmitBeginDoc();
void EmitEndDoc();
void EmitBeginSeq();
void EmitEndSeq();
void EmitBeginMap();
void EmitEndMap();
void EmitNewline();
void EmitKindTag();
void EmitTag(bool verbatim, const _Tag& tag);
void PrepareNode(EmitterNodeType::value child);
void PrepareTopNode(EmitterNodeType::value child);
void FlowSeqPrepareNode(EmitterNodeType::value child);
void BlockSeqPrepareNode(EmitterNodeType::value child);
void FlowMapPrepareNode(EmitterNodeType::value child);
void FlowMapPrepareLongKey(EmitterNodeType::value child);
void FlowMapPrepareLongKeyValue(EmitterNodeType::value child);
void FlowMapPrepareSimpleKey(EmitterNodeType::value child);
void FlowMapPrepareSimpleKeyValue(EmitterNodeType::value child);
void BlockMapPrepareNode(EmitterNodeType::value child);
void BlockMapPrepareLongKey(EmitterNodeType::value child);
void BlockMapPrepareLongKeyValue(EmitterNodeType::value child);
void BlockMapPrepareSimpleKey(EmitterNodeType::value child);
void BlockMapPrepareSimpleKeyValue(EmitterNodeType::value child);
void SpaceOrIndentTo(bool requireSpace, std::size_t indent);
const char* ComputeFullBoolName(bool b) const;
const char* ComputeNullName() const;
bool CanEmitNewline() const;
std::unique_ptr<EmitterState> m_pState;
ostream_wrapper m_stream;
template <typename T>
inline Emitter& Emitter::WriteIntegralType(T value) {
if (!good())
return *this;
std::stringstream stream;
stream << value;
m_stream << stream.str();
return *this;
template <typename T>
inline Emitter& Emitter::WriteStreamable(T value) {
if (!good())
return *this;
std::stringstream stream;
bool special = false;
if (std::is_floating_point<T>::value) {
if ((std::numeric_limits<T>::has_quiet_NaN ||
std::numeric_limits<T>::has_signaling_NaN) &&
std::isnan(value)) {
special = true;
stream << ".nan";
} else if (std::numeric_limits<T>::has_infinity && std::isinf(value)) {
special = true;
if (std::signbit(value)) {
stream << "-.inf";
} else {
stream << ".inf";
if (!special) {
stream << value;
m_stream << stream.str();
return *this;
template <>
inline void Emitter::SetStreamablePrecision<float>(std::stringstream& stream) {
template <>
inline void Emitter::SetStreamablePrecision<double>(std::stringstream& stream) {
// overloads of insertion
inline Emitter& operator<<(Emitter& emitter, const std::string& v) {
return emitter.Write(v);
inline Emitter& operator<<(Emitter& emitter, bool v) {
return emitter.Write(v);
inline Emitter& operator<<(Emitter& emitter, char v) {
return emitter.Write(v);
inline Emitter& operator<<(Emitter& emitter, unsigned char v) {
return emitter.Write(static_cast<char>(v));
inline Emitter& operator<<(Emitter& emitter, const _Alias& v) {
return emitter.Write(v);
inline Emitter& operator<<(Emitter& emitter, const _Anchor& v) {
return emitter.Write(v);
inline Emitter& operator<<(Emitter& emitter, const _Tag& v) {
return emitter.Write(v);
inline Emitter& operator<<(Emitter& emitter, const _Comment& v) {
return emitter.Write(v);
inline Emitter& operator<<(Emitter& emitter, const _Null& v) {
return emitter.Write(v);
inline Emitter& operator<<(Emitter& emitter, const Binary& b) {
return emitter.Write(b);
inline Emitter& operator<<(Emitter& emitter, const char* v) {
return emitter.Write(std::string(v));
inline Emitter& operator<<(Emitter& emitter, int v) {
return emitter.WriteIntegralType(v);
inline Emitter& operator<<(Emitter& emitter, unsigned int v) {
return emitter.WriteIntegralType(v);
inline Emitter& operator<<(Emitter& emitter, short v) {
return emitter.WriteIntegralType(v);
inline Emitter& operator<<(Emitter& emitter, unsigned short v) {
return emitter.WriteIntegralType(v);
inline Emitter& operator<<(Emitter& emitter, long v) {
return emitter.WriteIntegralType(v);
inline Emitter& operator<<(Emitter& emitter, unsigned long v) {
return emitter.WriteIntegralType(v);
inline Emitter& operator<<(Emitter& emitter, long long v) {
return emitter.WriteIntegralType(v);
inline Emitter& operator<<(Emitter& emitter, unsigned long long v) {
return emitter.WriteIntegralType(v);
inline Emitter& operator<<(Emitter& emitter, float v) {
return emitter.WriteStreamable(v);
inline Emitter& operator<<(Emitter& emitter, double v) {
return emitter.WriteStreamable(v);
inline Emitter& operator<<(Emitter& emitter, EMITTER_MANIP value) {
return emitter.SetLocalValue(value);
inline Emitter& operator<<(Emitter& emitter, _Indent indent) {
return emitter.SetLocalIndent(indent);
inline Emitter& operator<<(Emitter& emitter, _Precision precision) {
return emitter.SetLocalPrecision(precision);
} // namespace YAML
#endif // EMITTER_H_62B23520_7C8E_11DE_8A39_0800200C9A66